Human Connection ~ My IdeaLife

Friday, 19 April 2013

Human Connection

I struggled so much with the choice to return to work, especially fulltime given I had two gorgeous toddlers, but what I found in my new role at Adshel were people that you only dream about working with. I feel assured now that I am a better person and indeed a better and happier mum from knowing and working with some phenomenal people. One person in particular has had such an amazing influence on my life, and she has kindly agreed to share what makes her happy. I think you will see from her words how wholehearted her approach to life is and how inspirational she is to those lucky enough to cross her path. 

Every night this month I have thought about what happiness is and have after 17 days realised that happiness for me is all about people and moments I've shared with someone this month:
  • Chatting to my sister for 1.5 hours on the phone about anything and everything and laughing a lot
  • Driving home on a Sunday with my husband and feeling enveloped by the love of a great man, content and complete
  • SMSing with my Goddaughter about The Voice and some of the singers
  • Chatting with my son about our day as we make dinner together
  • Helping my beautiful mum pack up 25 years of her home and breaking the back of her sense of overwhelm
  • Listening to my 11 year old nephew tell me about his latest school project on mouldy bread and his dreams to do well in a cross country race the following day
  • Finding just the right birthday card to send to an old mate that is guaranteed to make her laugh
  • Sharing the ache in my daughter's heart as she shares news that her ex has a new love interest
  • Feeling a silent heartfelt connection just with a hug
  • To notice in a fleeting moment of silence in the home that my aching daughter is singing & humming once more. She will be okay my beautiful warrior woman
  • Hi-fiving when a complex work challenge ended on a high note
  • Knowing something I have done has made a difference to someone else
  • And lastly, having a lovely long black delivered to my desk and realising I had missed that person around the office for a few days and the importance of their presence
Joanna x

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